Respirator Fit Testing (N95)

Those exposed to respiratory hazards in the workplace or worksite, and required to wear a respirator (N95, a half mask, or a fullface-piece) are required to be trained on the selection, use, care and maintenance of this critical piece of personal protective equipment. As well as the training, a qualitative fit test is required to ensure the selected respirator fits the individual and provides the intended protection. Our fit testing training also meets the needs of many college students (ie: those in nursing, PSW and welding programs) whom require record of fit testing for placements.

Employers must ensure that respirators needed for the job is used by workers and maintained in good condition. Respirators must comply with applicable standards and meet the minimum requirements for hazard protection (for example, P100's for particulates, OV cartridges for specific fumes or vapours). Where required, the employer must ensure that respirators are used, maintained and stored according to manufacturers' instructions, applicable standards, and legislated requirements. The workers must be adequately trained on the use of respirators every 2 years or sooner (see below).

ONTARIO COMPLIANCE ALERT: Respiratory Protection regulations as of January 1, 2020 The Ministry of Labour has finalized changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and it's regulations requiring more stringent guidelines on protecting workers from exposures to airborne respiratory hazards. Reviewing your respiratory protection program and fit testing schedule is recommended.

Fit-testing for COVID-19 related respiratory hazards BEST PRACTICES should:

  • Be completed by a third party and not an employer or management which creates a conflict of interest.
  • Be with the Irritant Smoke Protocol at a minimum. The hood and sweet or bitter solution method is too subjective and depends on the wearer's taste/smell and honest response.
  • Be completed on all respiratory protection provided in the workplace (N95, Half-mask and Full Facepiece Respirators)
  • Be a NIOSH-approved respirator.


  • CSA Standard Z94.4-18 (-11, -02, -18)
  • O. Reg. 213/91, sections 21, 26 and 93 under the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • O. Reg. 490/09 (2019) under the Occupational Health and Safety Act - Medical Surveillance for Designated Substances *New for January 2020
  • O. Reg. 449/19 Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL)
  • OHS Act and Regulations that pertain to the use of respirators, multiple sections of the green book. Anyone required to wear a respirator on the job is required to be trained in it's use and have a fit test at least every two years.


  1. Candidates must be clean shaven within 16 hours as per the CSA Standards in order to be fit-tested.
  2. Please remove facial jewelry or other items that come between the skin and respirator.
  3. Fit tests are done on an exact make(s) and model(s) of respirator(s) and not on the category of respirator as a whole. For example, 3M 8210 and not all N95's. Please note that the respirator you are fit-tested on should be in adequate supply.
  4. A single3M 8210 N95 respirator can be provided for fit testing services and is included in the pricing of your fit test. If you prefer an alternate respirator, please be be prepared to bring your preferred make/model with you or purchase one here. Respirators are available to be purchased from our retail space for fit testing purposes as needed. Additional respirators can be fit tested on at a cost of the respirator plus $10 +HST for each additional fit test.


Our Qualitative Respirator Fit Testing meets the CSA Standard Z94.4-18 on fit testing as well as on the selection, use, and care of respirators (Z94.4-02) and includes both a minimum instructional component that varies in length depending on the type of respirator. A qualitative fit test is then completed using accurate irritant smoke test methods. Finally, a short written examination reviews the content for half-mask and full-facepiece respirators (as needed).

Topics covered include the regulatory requirements and responsibilities of the wearer in the use of their PPE, the proper donning and doffing of the respirator, care and maintenance including cleaning and sanitizing, limitations of various respirators, how to complete inspections, compatibility with other PPE, completing seal/pressure checks, identification of respiratory hazards, and information on the proper selection of a filter or cartridge based on the intended use of the respirator.

At First For Safety, we use the most accurate qualitative fit testing methods available.


Qualitative respirator fit tests and training on the PPE is to be completed every 2 years as per the CSA Standards and enforced through our OH&S Act and Regulations. However, if someone changes jobs, losses or gains a significant amount of weight, had an injury to the face, has changed or been requested to change respirators, or if the hazards of the workplace have been re-assessed - a fit test is required. When in doubt, consult the respirator's user manual for the manufacturer's recommendation if under two years.


  • Attend and participate in 100% of the course including a fit test (Irritant Smoke method)
  • Successfully demonstrate requirements donning/doffing and completing seal checks for the appropriate respirator (N95, Half Mask, Full Facepiece)
  • Complete a written knowledge evaluation if needed.


  • Includes an N95 Particulate Respirator (3M 8210) for fit testing, a copy of the Instructor's Fit Test Results, a Certificate of Completion, a laminated wallet card (upon request).
  • A Record of Training is provided to employers as applicable.


  • Public Fit Test Session $68 +HST per participant (Includes an N95 - 3M 8210)
  • Each additional mask/respirator fit-tested on: $10 +HST per mask for each person
  • N95 models available: 3M 1870+ Aura, 3M 9205+ Aura, 3M 8110s, 3M 8210, Honeywell DF300 Series, and more.

PRIVATE SESSIONS (1:1) and GROUP RATES (Groups of 6+): Please request a quotation for the best pricing available by emailing us with the following information: (a) Number of Candidates, (b) Preferred location, (c) Type of Respirator(s), and (d) Type or hazard or industry.

  • Private Appointment $85 + HST per participant
  • Each additional mask/respirator fit-tested on: $10 +HST per mask for each person

Public Fit Test Sessions are offered year round. If you don't see a date that works for you, please contact us as we may have more dates to add. Private appointments and private group training may also available to book. Our office can be reached during business hours of Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm, by calling 705-526-3853, emailing, or visiting us in-person at 105 Fourth Street, Midland, ON.

Upcoming Courses:


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